# Alum Advisor

Crafting Futures, One Consultation At a Time - Alum Advisor

Mentor - Partner Program to ensure personalised alumni connect based on the target university and degree programs and career goals


Explore School / College Recommendations

Dive into the school list, uncovering admission requirements for your desired degree programs.

Schedule a free consultation appointment if the perfect program is not available.

Career Trajectory

Career Trajectory - Pre, During, and Post College

Navigate the stages from Pre-College Career Counselling to Post-College Company Formation with precision and personalised guidance.

Explore personalised services, connecting with mentor alums who have experienced similar journeys.


Elevate Your Career Trajectory

Our AI agent offers a complimentary resume upgrade tailored to your job role, and links to international job portals.

For comprehensive career services, schedule an appointment with our US team for unparalleled opportunities.

Alum Advisor - Crafting your future, one consultation at a time, ensuring a guided and successful professional journey.

Craft your future without the hefty price tag! Our dedicated counsellors offer personalised services to shape your professional journey at a cost-effective rate.

Whether it's school recommendations or comprehensive career services, our free consultation appointment ensures you receive valuable guidance without compromising on quality.

What Counselors Are Saying

Dr. Laura Rodriguez

"Alumadvisor has redefined counseling efficiency. The integration of AlumAI has been a game-changer, saving me valuable time in research and data gathering. This powerful tool allows me to focus more on providing personalized guidance to students, making the counseling process seamless and effective."

Prof. James Turner

"Alumadvisor has opened up a world of opportunities for counselors. The platform's global network access, combined with AlumAI's capabilities, has enhanced my ability to connect with students and provide tailored counseling services. It's a must-have for counselors looking to expand their reach."

Dr. Sarah Khan

"Alumadvisor's AI tool, AlumAI, has significantly streamlined my counseling process. The instant insights and data-driven approach allow me to offer more targeted and effective guidance to students. The platform's commitment to efficiency and innovation has transformed the way I counsel."

Counselor Maria Garcia

"Alumadvisor's AI tool is a counselor's best ally. AlumAI not only saves time but also enhances social networking capabilities. Connecting with students and professionals worldwide has never been easier. For counselors aiming for impactful and efficient counseling, Alumadvisor is the go-to platform."